A Common Question….

One of the most common questions I get is “where did you come up with Tee Rage? And how I got the name is told in the previous blog, you can read it by clicking here. But there is actually a meaning behind the name.

So here goes, my middle name and my son’s middle name is Lee. the Tee is the first letter of his first name “T” in place of the “L” in Lee=Tee

My wife spells her name Page, the “R” from Rob replaces the “P” = Rage

And the P from her first name fits perfect in Portraits.

When you remove all other letters you get TRP=Tucker, Rob & Page

At the end of the day I do what I do because they are the ones I want to make the most proud of me. Matthew McConaughey said it best in his oscar speech when he won best actor for Dallas Buyer’s Club. He said there were three things he needed each day, click the link below and let him tell you. I can’t write it or say it any better than he did.

Matthew McConaughey’s Three Things


So until next time my friends, just keep living and remember to be extraordinary!


Rob–Tee Rage

Happy Birthday to My Name…Tee Rage

3:33 this morning, October 17, 2018 marks exactly six years since the name that is Tee Rage woke me from a dead sleep and completely changed my life. As I reflect on the last six years I am completely humbled and in awe at what this dream has become. I had been asked by a few people to take some pictures of them and their families or take pictures of their kids. That seems to be the narrative for many of today’s photographers. But like so many times I always felt like I had more to offer than just taking pictures.

And so on the evening of October 16th, 2012, after a particularly rough day at the day job, I told my wife that I was going to start creating portraits as a side hustle. But the one thing I was adamant about was that they would be unique, unlike anything that anyone else was doing. I spent two hours trying to come up with a name for my portrait studio, because Rob Brown Photography just didn’t fit my personality. But after struggling for two hours I went to sleep somewhat defeated but determined that I would come up with a name that would fit the brand I would create. And in the middle of that night it came to me. And I have never thought twice about it or ever second guessed it.

I also was very deliberate that I wanted the brand to be it’s own face and that my face would not be what drove the brand. And it worked, very well! After the first three or four years people knew what a Tee Rage portrait looked like and many people were shocked when they realized that I was Tee Rage. And that was the point, the brand is known and recognized for the art that it is.

I did weddings, families, events, kids and seniors. And where I found my absolute passion is with high school seniors! The big misconception is that I am a sports photographer. I do photograph sports, not because I am a sports photographer but because I want these young athletes to have photos of themselves playing the games they love. I would have loved to have had photos of me playing ball when I was in high school. So I do what I can to fulfill that for them.

And yes, my sports portraits are awesome! But so are my fashion portraits. So don’t get bogged down with labels. I create art for my clients, period, the end! So don’t let anyone else tell you that I am just a sports photographer! I am a portrait artist and what I create for my clients is just that, art, moments frozen in time and printed to be hung on the wall for the world to see.

That’s my story, and for the last six years I have evolved gotten better and have had my technical skill catch up to my artist vision….

So until next time my friends, be extraordinary!

Rob, Tee Rage

How What We Think Is Not What We Do!!!

Most people are creative. They are! Don’t shake your head, because I promise you it is true. The problem is that along life’s path we are conditioned to put that away and grow up. Why do we do this? Why do we fold up and put away the very thing that makes us unique? News flash…Society doesn’t like those who think differently or act differently or basically don’t do what society thinks should be done. But is that the real reason why we have trouble being creative as adults? No it isn’t. Are you ready for the reason why we hide or stop being creative? We value someone else’s opinion more than we value our own. We are worried what the people we are associated with will say about us, how will that look? What will  so and so say? For example tonight my family and I decided that we were going to put up our Christmas tree. Why? Because we wanted to, because for the last two years we have not fully decorated it nor gotten to enjoy it. We decided this year we are going to fully decorate it and enjoy it. And you know what I could care less what anyone thinks or says about it. Because the truth is someone else’s judgment or opinion about you or me is a direct reflection of their own personal insecurities. In other words it is on them not you.

And so “Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

So my friends, be who you were born to be, not the person that your parents, friends of family tell you to be. At the end of the day we know who we are and we need to love ourselves so much more than we love others. Because only by loving ourselves can we actually truly give real love to others.

You are unique. You are special. You have a creative voice inside you. Use it! You are the best! Now stop being held back by others opinions and go do that thing which brings your soul joy!!!!

Until next time my friends, be extraordinary!



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